Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Ayotzinapa: Chronicle of a State Crime/ Ayotzinapa: Crónica de un crimen de Estado

September 26 — the one-year anniversary of the Ayotzinapa students' forced disappearance from Iguala, Mexico — is coming up. Yet the impunity of taking student teachers en masse laughs at the face of any democracy, and we should all cry out.

As the new semester begins, please share with everyone this film with English subtitles — Ayotzinapa, Chronicle of a State Crime— including your classes if you are teaching at the university level, especially. This film is essential to courses where social justice themes play a vital part, as these 43 student teachers are still nowhere to be found. Thus, you can discuss the wherewithal of government corruption and the narco-state. 

What happens if...

This film is a perfect opportunity to share with students, friends, professors, and colleagues what is going on in the world around us, at least south of us in Mexico. 

We are showing the film at the 

Texas Theater
Sept 20 at 4 pm
231 W Jefferson Blvd, Dallas, TX 75208
(214) 948-1546

University of Texas in Arlington through CMAS
Friday 25th at 7PM
ARCH Building room 204
Parking lot F8 – right across the street

See the trailer here 

If you would like to rent the film at any other time, please get in touch with me through a private message at Adjunct Justice or with En Pie de Lucha.

¡Lo pueden hacer en cualquier idioma! ¡Spanish or English, español o inglés!

If your group, organization, family, or friends are or will be interested in hosting or providing a space to show the film, please contact us so we can arrange an appropriate date & time (a minimum of 20 people is required). 

This is an independent film: it won't be shown at movie theaters near you!

Adjunct Justice: Fores’ Forum En Pie de Lucha Performance are proud promoters!

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